Category: Government

Hurricane Shelters and Locations in 2024
  • Hurricane Shelters and Locations in 2024
  • RasTa Joe

The 2024 hurricane season preparation includes a comprehensive list of emergency shelters across various districts in Dominica. These shelters, ranging from schools to community centers and churches, ensure that resident

Dominica CBI Suspends Applications from Yemenis
  • Dominica CBI Suspends Applications from Yemenis
  • CBIU

Cuba 2024 Scholarship Opportunity for Dominica

The Embassy of the Republic of Cuba invites applicants from the Commonwealth of Dominica to apply for a scholarship program for the 2024 academic year

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Rehabilitation of Eastern Road Works – Phase One

Asphalting to Commence from Bois Diable Junction: The motoring public is hereby informed that the Contractor for the Rehabilitation of the East Coast

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Hunting Season is Officially Closed

The Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division of the Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernisation, Kalinago Upliftment, and Constituency Empowerment, wish

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HRP has Identified 26 Applicants as Homeowners

The Housing Recovery Project - Project Implementation Unit (HRP·PIU) of the Ministry of Housing & Urban Development is pleased to publish the 13t

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Concessions on Christmas Barrels

The Government of Dominica has approved the granting of concessions on Christmas barrels imported into Dominica for the period December 18, 2022, to J

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PM Roosevelt Skerrit to Address Nation Tonight

Prime Minister Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit will address the nation this evening at 8 p.m. Citizens, residents and friends of Dominica are invited to tu

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Licensed Insurance Companies & Intermediaries

Pursuant to Section 215 of the Insurance Act 4 of 2012, the following Insurance Companies and Intermediaries are licensed and registered to conduct in

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Amendment to Protocols for Entry Into Dominica

please be advised that Cabinet advised approval of the following protocols for entry into the Commonwealth of Dominica: Removal of pre-arrival te

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Changes in Gas Price

The Ministry of Trade Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business, and Export Development has announced the changes in Gas Prices mentioned below

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PM Skerrit 2022/3 Budget Presentation on 26 JUL

Prime Minister and Minister for Finance and Investment, Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit will present the 2022/2023 national budget at the First Meeting of the

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