Public Notices

April 2, 2024: Financial Disclosure Deadline

All persons in public life are reminded that the deadline for making financial disclosure for the year ended 31 December 2023 is Tuesday, 2 April 2024.

Form 2 and Guidelines for completing Form 2 have been sent to all persons in public life.

Copies are available at The Integrity Commission’s office, upstairs of the new Electoral Office, during working hours.

Please Contact Us for Assistance and Additional information:
  • Telephone extensions are 266-3436/3391/3494;
  • email:
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The Integrity Commission

The Integrity Commission oversees public functions and ensures compliance among public officials in Dominica. Established under the Integrity in Public Office Act 2003, it strives to create a transparent and corruption-free environment, upholding honesty and fairness to secure equitable use of public resources. Its goal is to eliminate corruption from public life.

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